To celebrate National Social Work Month, we’re highlighting one of our own – Nahomi Martinez, Intake Coordinator at the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Endeavors in El Paso, TX.
Here’s Nahomi’s story:

My choice to become a social worker was influenced by the social and health disparities I [had] witnessed in the El Paso, Texas community. I was raised in the border region of El Paso by my parents who migrated from Mexico. [Growing up here, I observed] the limited community resources and [the lack of] mental health professionals [in the area.] I was compelled to apply my passion for my community by becoming a social worker. More specifically, I was inspired to work with military populations as I learned of the unique challenges they encounter in relation to military transitions and mental health needs. I am currently the Interim Branch Chair for the NASW Texas-Rio Grande Branch and have been a proud member of the NASW for the past three years. I am also proud to serve in my current position as the Intake Coordinator for the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Endeavors as I strongly believe in the mission of providing integrated mental health care to Veterans and their families.
To Nahomi, and all the men and women who aim to improve the well-being of others, we THANK YOU for your service and dedication. Happy Social Work Month!
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