Austin Rapid Rehousing

Austin Rapid Rehousing Office

The Austin Rapid Rehousing Team provides a caring, stable and healthy environment for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Through intensive case management, our participants receive housing and support in order to sustain a safe and living environment. Our team encourages housing stability by providing needed support in the areas of behavioral health, referrals to community resources, basic needs assistance and takes pride in  building a foundation for success.

*If you are a landlord and would like to partner with the Austin Rapid Rehousing team please contact us by email or telephone to learn more about landlord incentives and how you can assist us with housing our vulnerable populations.


We provide case management and financial assistance to our clients. We also assess their needs and connect them with appropriate community resources.

The Austin Rapid Rehousing team receives all clients from our local CoC through the coordinated entry process. If you are experiencing homelessness in Travis County and need immediate assistance, please contact ECHO directly.


For more information or to speak to someone about the Rapid Rehousing program in Travis County, please email or call our office directly at (737) 708-7355

Homeowner Assistance Funds

Program Intake Form

Demographic Information

Mortgage Loan Information

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