Eligibility Requirements for the Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) Program
Residents of San Antonio must meet the following guidelines:
- Primary lease holder
- Address must be within the city limits (Council Districts 1-10)
- Must not have received assistance from the City’s housing assistance program in the last 12 months
- Experienced financial hardship (reduction in income, incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship)
- At risk of becoming homeless (have a past due utility bill, rent notice, or eviction notice)
- Must have a household income at or below 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI)
- have one member of the household with a documented disability
Homeless Prevention (HP) Program
The Endeavors San Antonio Homelessness Prevention Program will serve eligible individuals and families who are in danger of becoming homeless and/or facing eviction. The program is designed to stabilize individuals and families in their existing homes and/or assist individuals and families with securing affordable housing.
The program will provide clients with a wide array of support, including:
Utility Deposits & Utility Payments (in arrears)
Rental Application Fees
Relocation Assistance and Initial Moving Costs
Limited Child Care
Rental Arrears and Forward (based off of the individuals or families financial needs to secure and/or sustain housing.)
Eligibility Requirements for the Homeless Prevention (HP) Program
Residents of San Antonio must meet the following guidelines:
- Primary lease holder
- Address must be within the city limits (Council Districts 1-10)
- Must not have received assistance from the City’s housing assistance program in the last 12 months
- Experienced financial hardship (reduction in income, Incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship)
- At risk of becoming homeless (have a past due utility bill, rent notice, or eviction notice)
- Must have a household income at or below 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI)
Contact us
Register at Homelink Coordinated Entry https://www.closetohomesa.org/find-help.html
If you have additional questions, or would like to speak to an individual at Endeavors, please reach out via phone by calling (210)891-3310 or reach us via email at shprevention@endeavors.org.