City of San Antonio (COSA) Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) & Homeless Prevention (HP) Programs

Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) Program

The Endeavors San Antonio TBRA Program provides a caring, stable and healthy environment for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Through intensive case management, our participants receive housing and support in order to sustain a safe and living environment. Our team encourages housing stability by providing needed support in the areas of behavioral health, referrals to community resources, basic needs assistance and takes pride in building a foundation for success.

The program will provide clients with a wide array of support, including:

  • Security deposits
  • Application fees
  • Utility deposits
  • Rental subsidies for up to 24 months while the household engages in a self-sufficiency program
  • Behavioral Health Access

Eligibility Requirements for the Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) Program

Residents of San Antonio must meet the following guidelines:

  • Primary lease holder
  • Address must be within the city limits (Council Districts 1-10)
  • Must not have received assistance from the City’s housing assistance program in the last 12 months
  • Experienced financial hardship (reduction in income, incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship)
  • At risk of becoming homeless (have a past due utility bill, rent notice, or eviction notice)
  • Must have a household income at or below 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI)
  • have one member of the household with a documented disability

Homeless Prevention (HP) Program

The Endeavors San Antonio Homelessness Prevention Program will serve eligible individuals and families who are in danger of becoming homeless and/or facing eviction. The program is designed to stabilize individuals and families in their existing homes and/or assist individuals and families with securing affordable housing.

The program will provide clients with a wide array of support, including:

  • Utility Deposits & Utility Payments (in arrears)
  • Rental Application Fees
  • Relocation Assistance and Initial Moving Costs
  • Limited Child Care
  • Rental Arrears and Forward (based off of the individuals or families financial needs to secure and/or sustain housing.)

Eligibility Requirements for the Homeless Prevention (HP) Program

Residents of San Antonio must meet the following guidelines:

  • Primary lease holder
  • Address must be within the city limits (Council Districts 1-10)
  • Must not have received assistance from the City’s housing assistance program in the last 12 months
  • Experienced financial hardship (reduction in income, Incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship)
  • At risk of becoming homeless (have a past due utility bill, rent notice, or eviction notice)
  • Must have a household income at or below 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI)

Contact us

Register at Homelink Coordinated Entry

If you have additional questions, or would like to speak to an individual at Endeavors, please reach out via phone by calling (210)891-3310 or reach us via email at



Our Team

Annie Erickson, Senior Director of Veteran and Community Based Services

Annie has nearly 30 years of combined experiences in banking, healthcare, government and social service industries, giving her a well-rounded skill set to lead Endeavors’ Veteran and Community Based Services

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Annie Erickson
Senior Director of Veteran and Community Based Services

Annie, a San Antonio native, has nearly 30 years of combined experiences in banking, healthcare, government, and social service industries, giving her a well-rounded skill set to lead Endeavors’ Veteran and Community Based Services as Senior Director, since 2018.  Annie serves on multiple community committees and works with eight CoCs throughout Texas, focused on serving our most vulnerable veteran and homeless populations. She has worked with multiple funders to include U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, U. S. Department of Veteran Affairs, Health and Human Services, Department of Family and Protective Services, Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Emergency Solutions Grants, CBDG, Department of Labor, Department of Justice, US Treasury, Texas Homeless Network, Texas Veterans Commission, City of San Antonio, United Way of San Antonio, City of Austin, City of Houston, City of El Paso, and City of Pecos. Annie served on the Alzheimer’s Association Board, Co-Chaired the Successfully Aging and Living in San Antonio advisory board, is member of the Texas Balance of State Board, a partner in Social Venture Partners, and is serving on Project Mend’s Military and Veteran’s committee.

Annie has an Executive Master’s Degree in Health Care Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, both from Trinity University.  She is blessed with 3 children and 3 grandchildren.

Aaron Farnon

Deputy Senior Director of Veteran and Community Based Services
Aaron Farnon
Deputy Senior Director of Veteran and Community Based Services

For the past 24 years, Aaron has had the opportunity to pursue many Community Based Service related efforts, and is humbled to be part of a greater team effort to make the region a better place to live for all members of the community. Aaron looks forward to continuing to utilize skills he has developed over the years in affordable housing, budget oversight, community development, community outreach, and grant administration to support the mission of Endeavors, as well as the Veteran & Community Based Services programs. He has a Master’s degree in Public Administration from the California State University, Stanislaus. He loves spending quality time with his wife Linda and their three teenage children (Dalyce, Noland, and Arland). He also enjoys going on travelling adventures, working on weekend projects around the house, and participating in local running events.

Carlos Rodriguez

Director of Supportive Housing Programs
Carlos Rodriguez
Director of Supportive Housing Programs

Carlos serves as the Director of Supportive Housing Programs in San Antonio. He joined Endeavors in May of 2023, and brings more than 15 years of experience to his new role. Previously, he has held leadership positions at other non-profit organizations, and local government entities, prior to joining Endeavors. He designed and implemented numerous projects funded by governmental institutions and the private sector to assist individuals in marginalized and disadvantaged conditions. He has successfully implemented programs to address general health needs, mental health needs for children with disabilities & developmental delays, individuals impacted by HIV & substance abuse, immigrant children, and Spanish speaking families. He is continuously inspired by the resiliency of the children and families that he works with, and their high ethical values. In his free time, Carlos enjoys traveling, exercising, enjoying good food, and listening to music.

Homeowner Assistance Funds

Program Intake Form

Demographic Information

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