Yes, You Can Get Help If FEMA denied your Disaster Claim
Last Updated: 03 Mar 2021
Disaster Relief & Emergency Services
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The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) exists to prepare, protect, mitigate, and respond to disasters of all kinds. When it comes to hurricanes and other natural disasters, FEMA frequently assists individuals and families without insurance or who are struggling to meet their deductible. FEMA is an incredible organization that helps countless people in times of need. But what happens when their resources run out?
Stepping Up To Help Those In Need

Since 2015, Endeavors has been stepping up to assist individuals and communities whom FEMA cannot help. When disaster strikes, lives are destroyed, and if your home has been damaged, or you’ve lost your job due to a storm, you can’t always recover on your own. And, more importantly, you shouldn’t have to.
As a nonprofit, Endeavors’ disaster relief funding is completely separate from FEMA’s. We also have the support of our extensive network of local businesses and community organizations to help our clients get the resources and services they need to recover fast. We are in the business of recovery and compassion, and our team of recovery specialists is always so happy to be there for you every step of the way.
We’ve been helping disaster survivors recover with our one-on-one Disaster Relief and Recovery program and exceptional partners since 2015. We work with individuals and families whose claims have been denied by FEMA all the time, and we develop customized short-term or long-term recovery plans for them, depending on their situation. Why? Because disaster recovery isn’t one-size-fits-all.
Comprehensive Disaster Recovery Assistance
Take Lori Gerrard, for example. When Hurricane Irma left her Florida home practically uninhabitable, Ms. Gerrard had nowhere to turn. She was retired, elderly, widowed, and on a fixed income, and the repairs her home required were too expensive to pay for and too complicated to do herself. Although FEMA was able to assist Ms. Gerrard in re-stocking her pantry after the flooding destroyed much of her food, she still had a long road to recovery. For far too long, Ms. Gerrard was living in a severely damaged home that didn’t protect her from the elements. Fortunately, Endeavors met Ms. Gerrard, and our Disaster Case Managers were able to source materials and labor to repair her home and replace her ruined furniture.
Disaster Relief he Endeavors Way: “I’d fight for my clients like I’d fight for my grandmother.”
Lori is one of the thousands of people we’ve been able to help in the wake of disaster. In fact, Endeavors proudly serves communities in Texas, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, and Florida. In Texas and North Carolina, we’ve responded to over 10,400 Hurricane Harvey cases and over 10,7000 Hurricane Florence cases.
In Texas, we recently deployed teams to assist those impacted by Tropical Storm Imelda, and in Hardin County, Endeavors Disaster Relief and Recovery lead supervisor, Brandy Ruben led a team of case managers to assist the county in completing 260 major repair projects, building nine new-construction homes, and replacing 17 destroyed mobile homes. Endeavors was able to help hundreds of Hardin County residents, including “70 and 80-year-olds who were victims of contractor fraud, people sleeping in buses, people who couldn’t afford to repair their homes,” Brandy shared, adding, “I’d fight for my clients like I’d fight for my grandmother.”
The moral of this story? You are not alone. You are not forgotten. And we are here to help however we can.
We are currently providing disaster relief to clients affected by Imelda and the 2019 flooding in the Rio Grande Valley. If you were impacted by these storms and your claim was denied by FEMA, contact our disaster relief offices as soon as possible. We are always there when you need us, so even though we are not currently serving new clients in Florida and Puerto Rico, our offices there are still open and available to provide referrals in those areas, as well.
Endeavors, a San Antonio based nonprofit, is a longstanding national nonprofit agency that provides an array of programs and services supporting children, families, Veterans, and those struggling with mental illness, disabilities, disasters, or emergencies. Today, we actively serve disaster survivors in Texas and North Carolina, and we maintain offices in Florida and Puerto Rico to refer people in need to organizations who can provide immediate disaster recovery assistance and resources. Endeavors has served vulnerable people in need since 1969 through personalized services. For more information, please visit