11 Inspiring Quotes From Women Battling Homelessness
Last Updated: 30 Jan 2020
echo $minutes. " Minute Read"?>Our clients are strong, resilient, and powerful people with inspiring stories to tell.
As we have worked day in and day out with women and families experiencing homelessness and struggling to get back on their feet, we have learned one incredibly important, poignant fact: our clients are strong, resilient, and powerful people with inspiring stories to tell.
Along the way, they have proven to us that they have far more to teach us than we have to teach them. It has been, and continues to be, an honor to get to walk alongside them on the path towards recovery.
Some of our favorite stories come from our work at the Fairweather Family Lodge, our supportive housing facility in San Antonio. Here, we work with chronically homeless women with disabilities, as well as their children, so they can achieve a life full of stability, success, and self-sufficiency.

These women and families have battled through abusive relationships, toxic marriages, drug use, depression and mental illness, financial devastation, and far more.
And yet…they still have hope. And that strength is worth sharing.
So, in the spirit of strength and sharing, we thought we’d put together a list of quotes from women who have fought hard for their recovery stories.
1.“Stories change lives. We get to be examples, and that’s a privilege.”
2.“You’ve gotta have gusto… that’s what makes you a fighter.”
3.“Don’t tell someone to forget what hurt them, (it’s important to) share and help someone else.”
4.“I know the enemy will always be there. I have to trust my God will always be there.”
5.“You can do this. You have to believe in yourself.”
6.“Become a part of it. [The Fairweather Family Lodge] is a community, not just a home.”
7.“We can all relate to each other, and we can empower each other.”
8.“Stay positive no matter what. And be patient, it won’t happen all at once.”
9.“I need my son to understand the way the world works. Helping someone doesn’t have to cost (you anything)…(and) it’s rewarding.”
10.“To overcome what you have gone through- you are way stronger than you ever were.”
11.“Leave the shame behind and be proud, because you’re going to overcome this. I hope other women can find that inside of them.”
How can you help?
As homelessness is increasing, we also hope to increase our program in accordance. Over the last 15 years, the Fairweather Family Lodge program has served over 250 families, or close to 800 individuals. Endeavors is aiming to expand this program in order to provide these critical services to more homeless families in San Antonio.
If you’d like to donate to this incredible cause, you can find ways to help by clicking here!
Endeavors is passionate about serving vulnerable people in crisis, improving their quality of life in innovative, personal ways. Click here to connect with someone from our team and learn more about the many ways Endeavors can help!