Are you a veteran in need of rental assistance?

Our Supportive Services for Veteran Families Shallow Subsidy service provides rental assistance to very low-income and extremely low-income Veteran households who are enrolled in SSVF’s Rapid Rehousing or Homeless Prevention projects.


  • Must meet and be enrolled in the SSVF program
  • Must be under 80% AMI
  • Must have continuous steady income
  • Must be able to pay 50% of monthly rent
  • Must live in an area served by Endeavors’ SSVF program

How to Apply:

Once appointment is scheduled for intake, please bring in the following documents:

  • DD214 or other proof of Active Duty Service/VA Benefit Card
  • Proof of income/paystubs, SSI, food stamps award letter, VA benefits for all household members
  • Social Security Cards for all household members, and photo ID’s for all household members over 18
  • Lease agreement and eviction notice, if applicable
  • Utility disconnect notice
  • Copies of 3 most recent bank statements


What to Expect After You Apply:

  • After receiving your initial application online, an Endeavors staff member will review your application and confirm the details on your application with you.
  • Endeavors staff will collect any other needed documentation and assist with completing the application.
  • Upon determinations of your eligibility for the Program you will be contacted by the Case Manager.
  • The Case Manager will create an action plan.
  • If denied, Endeavors will provide you with referrals.

Contact us

For additional information or to speak to someone about your eligibility, please reach out via email or phone.


Call: 210-469-9664

Shallow Subsidy Program

Program Intake Form

Demographic Information

Is there a veteran in the household?(Required)
Is there anyone in the household with a disability?(Required)
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